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1月13日中国●光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集InternationalRequestforProposalofConceptualDesignforCulturalCenterofOpticsVall |
时间:2020-01-13 11:11 十环招标网 整理 作者: |
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----------------------------------招标机构发布信息原文:----------------------- 标题:1月13日中国●光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集InternationalRequestforProposalofConceptualDesignforCulturalCenterofOpticsVall 原标题:中国●光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集InternationalRequestforProposalofConceptualDesignforCulturalCenterofOpticsValleyofChina征集公告RequestforProposalAnnouncement 十环招标网标题:1月13日中国●光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集InternationalRequestforProposalofConceptualDesignforCulturalCenterofOpticsValleyofC(权威)hina征集公告RequestforProposalAnnouncement_武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 湖北省科技投资集团有限公司 十环招标网标号:10h1578889971 信息来源:湖北政府采购网|武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 湖北省科技投资集团有限公司 官方发布时间:2020-01-13 11:11 十环招标网转发时间:2020年01月13日 12时32分 ==========以下为招标信息正文========== 湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司受武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 湖北省科技投资集团有限公司委托,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》等有关规定,现对中国.光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集进行公开招标,欢迎合格的供应商前来投标。
项目名称:中国.光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集 项目编号:ZSHJ-2020-603 项目联系方式: 项目联系人:徐女士 项目联系电话:027-65526103
采购单位联系方式: 采购单位:武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 湖北省科技投资集团有限公司 地址:武汉市高新大道777号(高新大道与光谷四路交叉处) 武汉东湖开发区高新大道666号生物城C5栋 联系方式:徐女士 027-65526103 徐女士 027-67880175
代理机构联系方式: 代理机构:湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司 代理机构联系人:闫观茂 蔡威 周喆 荣唯 武金凤 027-82823379(+86)027-82823379 027-82825013 027-82822290 代理机构地址: 中国湖北省武汉市江岸区胜利街128号新源大厦4楼
一、采购项目的名称、数量、简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍: 公告正文: 中国•光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集 International Request for Proposal ofConceptual Design for Cultural Center of Optics Valley of China 征集公告 Request for Proposal Announcement
东湖高新区(即东湖新技术开发区,又称中国光谷)全区面积518平方公里,2009年被国务院批准为全国第二个国家自主创新示范区,2016年获批国家自由贸易试验区,在双自驱动的战略背景下,光谷致力于打造具有全球影响力的创新创业中心,建设世界光谷。光谷文化中心作为东湖高新区规划的重要公共建筑之一,是东湖高新区管委会贯彻落实习近平总书记和省市领导对光谷发展建设的重要指示精神,扎实推进光谷高质量发展,强化光谷文化引领功能而重点打造的标志性文化设施。 East Lake High-tech Development Zone (i.e. East Lake New Technology Development Zone, also called Optics Valley of China) covers an area of 518 square kilometers. It was approved by the State Council as the second national independent innovation demonstration zone in 2009, and was approved as a national free trade pilot zone in 2016. In the context of a dual-self-driven strategy, Optics Valley is committed to building a center of innovation and entrepreneurship with global influence and building a world Optics Valley. As one of the important public buildings planned for the East Lake High-tech Development Zone, the Cultural Center of Optics Valley is a landmark cultural facility built by the Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s and provincial and municipal leaders’ thought on the development and construction of Optics Valley, to promote the high-quality development of Optics Valley and strengthen the cultural guiding function of Optics Valley. 规划建设光谷文化中心是光谷推进高质量发展的重要举措,旨在满足人民群众日益增长的文化需求,落实中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《关于加快构建现代公共文化服务体系的意见》,完善光谷公共文化服务体系,带动文化产业链的发展。 The planning and construction of Cultural Center of Optics Valley is an important step to promote high-quality development of Optics Valley, which aims to meet the growing cultural needs of the public, and implement the “the Views on Accelerating the Construction of Modern Public Cultural Service System” published by the General Offices of both the CPC Central Committee and the State Council of China, improve the public cultural service system and drive the development of the cultural industry chain. 光谷文化中心将是一座现代化高标准的光谷文化新地标。为加快推进光谷文化中心的规划建设,东湖新技术开发区管委会组织开展本次概念方案设计国际征集工作,旨在以国际化视野、前瞻性思维、创造性设计,指导光谷文化中心高水平规划、高标准建设。 The Cultural Center of Optics Valley will be built into a modern and high-standard cultural landmark of Optics Valley. The Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone organized this international request for proposal, aiming at high-level planning and high-standard construction of Cultural Center of Optics Valley with international vision, forward-looking thinking and creative design. 本次征集活动面向全球公开邀请具有相关建筑设计经验的设计机构参与,欢迎全球优秀的设计机构递交咨询建议书。 This Request for Proposal (hereinafter referred to as RFP) openly invites design institutions with relevant architectural design experience from around the world to participate, and welcomes outstanding design institutions from around the world to submit their proposals. 一、项目概况 I. Project Overview 1、项目名称:中国•光谷文化中心概念方案国际征集 1. Project Name: International Request for Proposal of Conceptual Design for Cultural Center of Optics Valley of China 2、征集任务:中国•光谷文化中心概念方案设计 2. Task: Conceptual design for Cultural Center of Optics Valley of China 3、设计范围:本项目位于湖北省武汉市东湖高新区(东湖高新区即中国光谷),项目用地东临紫兰路、南临高新大道、西临光谷三路、北临九峰一路,总用地面积约21.74公顷。 3. Design scope: The project is located in Wuhan Donghu High-tech Development Zone (East Lake New Technology Development Zone, also called Optics Valley of China). The project site is adjacent to Zilan Road in the east, Gaoxin Avenue in the south, Guanggu San Road in the west, and Jiufeng Yi Road in the north. The land area is about 21.74 hectares. 4、设计目标: 4. Design objectives: ①本项目拟打造一处光谷文化中心新地标,通过规划建设与光谷经济发展水平相适应的文化综合体,突出文化集群效应,满足广大群众对美好生活的文化需求; ① This project intends to create a new landmark of the Optics Valley. By planning and constructing a cultural complex that is compatible with the economic development level of Optics Valley, it will highlight the effects of cultural clusters and meet the cultural needs of the public towards a better life; ②本项目拟打造一处促进文化交流的城市公共空间,为广大群众提供社会生活和文化体验的理想场所,形成光谷乃至武汉东南片区的一张城市名片; ② The project intends to create an urban public space that promotes cultural exchanges, and provides an ideal place for social life and cultural experience for the general public, which will make the project a symbol of Optics Valley and even the southeast Wuhan area; ③本项目拟打造一处体现绿色环保、智慧高效、符合光谷文化发展特征及武汉市人文自然特征的地域建筑。 ③ This project intends to build a regional building that embodies environmental protection, intelligence and efficiency, and that is in line with the cultural development characteristics of Optics Valley and the humanities and natural characteristics of Wuhan. 本次光谷文化中心项目的概念方案国际征集旨在面向全球公开征集具有前瞻性与创新性的建筑设计方案,通过对光谷文化中心项目进行概念方案设计,为光谷塑造一个富有城市活力及文化气息的地标建筑。概念方案国际征集将作为下阶段用地布局优化及建筑单体方案设计的指导依据。 This RFP aims to openly solicit forward-looking and innovative architectural design proposals from around the world, to create a landmark building full of urban vitality and cultural atmosphere for Optics Valley through the conceptual design of the Cultural Center of Optics Valley. The international proposals will be used as a guidance for the optimization of land layout and the design of individual buildings of the next stage. 二、主办单位、承办单位及协办单位 II. Sponsor, Organizer and Co-sponsor 主办单位:武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 Sponsor: Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone 承办单位:湖北省科技投资集团有限公司 Organizer: Hubei Science Technology Investment Group CO,. LTD. 协办单位:湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司 Co-sponsor:Hubei Zhongsheng Huijin Project Management Co., Ltd. 三、应征人资格要求 III. Qualifications of Applicant 1、应征人应为合法注册的法人实体或由合法注册的法人实体组成的项目联合体,并具备如下条件之一: 1. The applicant shall be a legally registered legal entity or a consortium composed of legally registered legal entities and shall meet one of the following requirements: ① 中华人民共和国境内的设计机构须具有的建筑设计资质为建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级及以上资质; ① For design institutions in the People's Republic of China, the architectural design qualification of Class A or above in the construction industry (construction engineering) is required; ② 中华人民共和国境外的设计机构须具有所在国政府主管部门核发的企业注册登记证明及所在国政府主管部门或者有关行业组织核发的设计许可证明;港澳台设计机构的资格要求应参照境外设计机构资格要求的规定; ② For design institutions outside the People's Republic of China, it is required to hold a company registration certificate issued by competent government department of the country where it is located and a design qualification certificate issued by the competent government department of the country or relevant industry organization; the qualification requirements of design institutions located in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall refer to the qualification requirements of design institutions; 2、本项目接受联合体报名(联合体牵头单位与成员数量合计不超过2家)。联合体报名还需满足如下条件: 2. The project applicant may be a consortium (the total number of consortium leader and members shall not exceed 2). Consortium applicant also needs to meet the following conditions: ① 联合体各方必须签订联合体协议书,明确联合体牵头单位和成员的权利义务; ① The parties to the consortium must sign a consortium agreement, specifying the rights and obligations of the leader and member of the consortium; ② 联合体各方均应满足应征人资格要求; ② The parties to the consortium shall meet the above-mentioned qualification requirements of applicants; ③ 以联合体形式参加征集的,联合体各方不得再单独参加或者与其他应征人另外组成联合体参加本次征集活动; ③ Any party to the consortium may no longer participate alone in this RFP or form a consortium with other applicants to participate in the RFP ; 3、除联合体的成员外,参加征集的应征人之间不应存在关联关系。 3. Except for members of the consortium, there should be no association between the applicants participating in the RFP. 四、应征人报名及《咨询建议书征集大纲》的获取 IV. Applicant registration and acquisition of RFP Outline 1、有意向参加本次征集活动的应征人应通过邮件进行报名登记(报名表详见本公告附件,填写完成后E-mail至指定邮箱),报名 1. The applicant willing to participate in this RFP shall register by email (see the Annex to the Announcement for the application form, and fill in the form and then email to the designated email address). The registration time is from January 13, 2020 to 17:00 on January 22, 2020 (Beijing time, GMT+8). 2、应征人报名表及报名资料以盖章或签字的PDF扫描版和DOC格式E-mail至邮箱Guangguwhzx@163.com,协办单位收到后,将《咨询建议书征集大纲》电子版文件发送给报名的应征人。 2 The application form and information of the applicant shall be emailed to the email address whggkxd@163.com in the format of PDF (bearing seal or signature) and DOC. Hubei Zhongsheng Huijin Project Management Co., Ltd. shall send the electronic version of the RFP documents to the applicant upon receiving such application form and information of the applicant. 五、咨询建议书的递交 V. Proposal Submission 应征人应按照《咨询建议书征集大纲》的要求编刺的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如果其应征设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由应征人承担。 3. The applicant shall ensure that the submitted design documents and design results are not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, patent right) or know-how or trade secrets of any other person within or outside the territory of China. The applicant shall ensure that the applicant has obtained legal, effective and full authorization from the owner of the intellectual property rights or know-how or trade secrets of any other person if the applicant’s design documents use or contain such intellectual property rights or know-how or trade secrets. The applicant shall bear all liabilities for compensation arising from the infringement of intellectual property rights or know-how or trade secrets of others. 4、应征人所获的设计补偿(奖金)的税金(含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费)和在整个过程中发生的一切费用均由应征人自理。 4. The tax on the design compensation (bonus) received by the applicant (including all taxes payable within and outside China) and all expenses incurred in the whole process shall be borne by the applicant. 5、本次征集活动中的所有文件及往来信函均应使用中文书写。 5. All documents and correspondence in this RFP shall be written in Chinese. 6、参加本次活动的应征人均被视为承认本公告的所有条款。 6. Applicant who participate in this activity are deemed to acknowledge all the terms of this announcement. 7、本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归主办单位所有。 7. The sponsor reserves the right to interpret the RFP and relevant documents. 8、本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民共和国的法律和法规。 8. The laws and regulations applicable to the RFP and related documents shall be the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China only. 七、征集公告发布媒体 VII. Announcement Publishing Media 本公告将在中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)、智慧武汉(gtghj.wuhan.gov.cn)、中国光谷(img.wehdz.gov.cn)、高新区规划局(gtghj.wuhan.gov.cn/dhkf/)同时发布。本公告的修改、补充均以在上述媒体发布的内容为准。 主办单位:武汉东湖新技术开发区管理委员会 This announcement will be published on www.ccgp.gov.cn, gtghj.wuhan.gov.cn, img.wehdz.gov.cn and gtghj.wuhan.gov.cn/dhkf/ at the same time. Any amendment or supplement to this announcement shall be subject to the latest published content in the above-mentioned website. 地址:武汉市高新大道777号(高新大道与光谷四路交叉处) Address: No. 777 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan City (intersection of Gaoxin Avenue and Guanggu Fourth Road) 联系人:徐女士 Contact: Ms. Xu 联系方式:027-65526103 Contact number: 027-65526103 承办单位:湖北省科技投资集团有限公司 Organizer: Hubei Science Technology Investment Group CO,. LTD. 地址:武汉东湖开发区高新大道666号生物城C5栋 Address: Building C5, Biological City, No.666, Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan 联系人:徐女士 Contact: Ms. Xu 联系方式:027-67880175 Contact number: 027-67880175 协办单位:湖北中盛汇金项目管理有限公司 Co-sponsor: Hubei Zhongsheng Huijin Project Management Co., Ltd. 邮政编码:430014 Postal code: 430014 地址:中国湖北省武汉市江岸区胜利街128号新源大厦4楼 Address: 4/F, Xinyuan Building, No. 128 Shengli Street, Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China 联系人:闫观茂 蔡威 周喆 荣唯 武金凤 Contact: Yan Guanmao, Cai Wei, Zhou Zhe, Rong Wei and Wu Jinfeng 联系方式:(+86)027-82823379 027-82825013 027-82822290 Contact number: (+86) 027-82823379 027-82825013 027-82822290 传真:(+86)027-82822983 027-82822973 Fax: (+86) 027-82822983 027-82822973
二、投标人的资格要求: 详见公告正文
三、招标文件的发售时间及地点等: 预算金额:0.0 万元(人民币) 时间:2020年01月13日 11:30 至 2020年01月22日 17:00(双休日及法定节假日除外) 地点:有意向参加本次征集活动的应征申请人应通过邮件进行报名登记(报名表详见本公告附件,填写完成后E-mail至指定邮箱) 招标文件售价:¥0.0 元,本公告包含的招标文件售价总和 招标文件获取方式:网上获取
四、投标截止时间:2020年02月10日 12:00 五、开标时间:2020年02月13日 09:30 六、开标地点: 中国光谷科技会展中心3楼多功能厅(武汉市东湖新技术开发区高新大道787号)
七、其它补充事宜 无
八、采购项目需要落实的政府采购政策: 无
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